Management and Opportunities Reports in Applied Epic

Management Reports in Applied Epic

In our latest article of our Applied Epic Reports series, we will cover Management and Opportunities Reports. Management Reports in Applied Epic are a great resource for auditing. These reports primarily give you a more in-depth look at a user’s security or activity but there are a few hidden gems, which will also be reviewed. In addition to the Management reports offered in Epic, there are a few Opportunities Reports available to you as an owner or manager to monitor your agency’s sales leads.

Applied Epic Management Reports

Permission Detail, Security Group, User Detail and User Login Reports

The first group of reports we will review is a set of reports built around Logins and Security. These 4 reports are: Permission Detail, Security Group, User Detail, User Login Report.

  1. User Permissions Detail Report – you can decide which area or sub area of Epic you want to look at and report who either has been granted access or who is denied access.
  2. Security Group Report – enables you to report on all users within a group and the permissions that group gives each user.
  3. User Detail Report – is often used to document a user’s rights at the time of hire or termination from the company. It is a detailed look at that users group memberships, structure access, program access, and bank account access.
  4. User Login Report – has been used more since the onset of COVID. This report enables management to see who logged into the system and when. Layouts and Criteria for all these reports are rather straight forward.

Unrouted Attachments- Analysis Report

The next report is one from Applied’s latest report pack, the Unrouted Attachments Analysis Report. This report can be run at any time to analyze what items are still in a user’s unrouted attachments folder. This report will highlight bottlenecks in the Front-End Scanning process and which staff members have items unattached. This is a great report to review when you are concerned with items not being processed or processed in a timely fashion. The default criteria looks at all items and all employees an can be adjusted as desired.

Policy Checking Report

Another report that can be utilized to identify bottlenecks is the Policy Checking Report. The Policy Checking report lists the Policy Checking requests that have been sent for processing, with a description of each item, its owner, and its processing stage. This report can help you track the volume of Policy Checking usage in your system and monitor the time that Policy Checks take to complete. Running this report on a weekly basis is recommended, to identify any Policy Checks marked Ready that still need attention and to ensure timely completion of the process and efficient service to your clients.

Verify Policy Renewal Commission Agreements

The Verify Policy Renewal Commission Agreements Report displays each policy’s commission agreements before and after it was renewed using the “Renew” action. If the system has made any changes to the commission agreements, the report also gives the reason for these changes. Use this report to confirm that the correct commission agreement has defaulted on each policy. Unfortunately, if there were commission agreement changes on policies renewed by Download, those will not be included on this report. You can adjust the criteria to focus on a specific structure or even by producer.

In addition to these reports covered above if your agency utilizes Confidential Client Access, myEpic Workflows, or SMS features in Epic, there are additional reports that may be valuable to you here in the Management Reports section.

Applied Epic Opportunities Reports

Before you get started, make sure your sales team is entering and managing Opportunities in Epic. It is an area of Epic that is not widely used but provides valuable information about your pipeline.

From the prospect or client account, click Opportunities. Click the Add button to add a new opportunity. Enter all pertinent information. As the opportunity is worked, have your sales team progress it manually through your agency’s preconfigured sales stages by right clicking Change Stage. This can be done right from the Home Screen. Opportunities can also be entered and managed from the Applied Mobile app!

As Opportunities are won and lost, right click and Close Opportunity with Won/Lost, revenue, etc. Be sure to enter Sales Targets into your producers’ Employee Account (Lookup Employee, go to Account Detail, Sales tab) so they can see their progress on their home screen’s Dashboard.

Sales Report

The default criteria of the Sales Report searches for closed Opportunities that have been Won. The first time it is run, you will need to update the Actual Closed Date to an appropriate range (no longer than 1 fiscal year). For example, if you are looking at sales for 2022, enter an Actual Closed Date of Fixed date range 01/01/2022 – 12/31/2022.

Out of the box, the first part of the report is a detailed listing of won Opportunities, grouped first by the Opportunity owner, then by the month closed, with premium and revenue totals after each month and each producer. Calculated fields will compare the totals with Sales Targets entered in the Employee record. A summary section follows the detail, recapping each member of your sales team for each month of the year.

Pipeline Report

The default criteria for the Pipeline Report searches for Opportunities with a status of Open. The first section is a detailed listing of Opportunities still in your agency’s pipeline, grouped by Owner, then Stage, with Stage Duration, and Estimated Premium and Revenue columns. A summary follows grouping these open Opportunities by Owner, and an Average Duration and totals.

Hit Ratio Report

The default criteria for the Hit Ratio Report is all Opportunities in your database. If you would like only to see the current year’s Opportunities, modify the criteria as needed. This report will return a detailed list of all Opportunities by Owner, followed by a # Won and % Won, # Lost and % Lost, and Total Closed. A summary section follows.

Forecast Report

The default criteria for the Forecast Report searches for Opportunities with a status of Open. It is like the Pipeline Report, but rather than returning all open Opportunities, it is designed to be run for a specific time period. Select the criteria for the Target Close Date within your time range (month, quarter, etc.).


Agency Owners and Operations can use Management Reports to get insight on what rights their employees have, where bottlenecks in process may be occurring and to verify Policy Renewal Commission Agreements and Opportunities Reports to get a glimpse into sales, summarize won and lost leads, and see what is coming in the pipeline.

We also recommend reviewing our previous articles in our Reports Series listed below. If you have questions regarding the use of any of these reports or would like to learn more about how our Agency Consulting Services, can help your agency better-utilize Applied Epic, be sure to contact us today. We would love the opportunity to learn more about your agency and how we can help!

Picture of Laura Whaley

Laura Whaley

Agency Consultant
Kite Technology Group

Picture of Jenny Honican

Jenny Honican

Agency Consultant
Kite Technology Group