Applied Epic Dashboards: Account Manager/Servicing Rep and Department Manager

Welcome to the first of six blog installments on the new Applied Epic Dashboards feature! With Epic Dashboards, users can view agency data packed into charts, giving them the ability to visualize what is happening with their own slice of the agency’s business. Epic Dashboards are only available to agencies with an Applied Analytics subscription and are only active in the browser version of Epic.
Before you get started with any Epic Dashboards, make sure they are configured in your database. See our Applied Epic Dashboards: An Introduction blog for more details.
Now, let’s do a quick review of general Epic Dashboard items to be aware of.
General Applied Epic Dashboard Notes
- Data refreshes in Epic Dashboards are not immediate. The data updates automatically every 1 to 2 hours.
- All Dashboards have a selection of filters at the top of the page that varies with each Dashboard. The Dashboard view does not refresh automatically. You need to select the desired criteria and click the Refresh button in the top right corner.

- Hover over the (i) icon to see how the data for that tile is selected. Epic Reports relies heavily on the Policy Status field. Epic Dashboards tends to look more at the Service Summary Row Action and Stage.
- Dashboard Tiles have drilldown capability. To see further details, just click the piece of the chart and a popup window appears with a list of policies making up that number. Click the Client Name to go straight to the associated Account.

- Each tile header hyperlinks into another available Dashboard. For instance, clicking on the Carrier Overview tile on the Principal/Owner Pulse Dashboard takes you to the Carrier Overview Dashboard.
- Using the Folders icon at the top right corner allows you to switch between your available Dashboards.

- Use the Heart icon to mark a Dashboard as a Favorite and access via the Favorites folder.

- Click the Dashboard Home hyperlink to return to your default Pulse Dashboard.

- Some tiles have a feature to email alerts when data reaches certain criteria. Click the bell icon in the top corner of the tile.

- See the Applied Dashboards Help and/or information buttons for detailed description of calculation of Dashboard data.
With a firm base of dashboards in general, now it’s time to talk about dashboards most relevant to Account Managers and Servicing Representatives working in Applied Epic.
Account Manager/Servicing Rep Applied Epic Dashboards
Account Manager/Servicing Rep Dashboards are unique to the user. These dashboards only pull data from Applied Epic where the user is listed on the Servicing tab of an Account or Policy. Users are unable to view each other’s information.
Pulse Dashboard

Every role starts with their unique Pulse Dashboard, a selection of tiles with information relevant to their duties. The Pulse Dashboard is designed to be a landing page, giving the Account Manager/Servicing Rep a place to start their day. It hosts the following tiles:
- Expiring policies: Policies expiring in the next 30 days that have not yet been renewed or cancelled in Epic. This is comparable to the Expiration Report criteria of Renewed Policies = Exclude renewed expired policies and the Renewals Manager Search where criteria of Renewed Policies = Exclude. Clicking the tile header takes you to the Renewals Management Dashboard.
- Expired policies not renewed: Policies that expired in the last 30 days that have not yet been renewed or cancelled in Epic. This is comparable to using the Missed Expiration Report (or Expired Policies, Not Renewed) and the Renewals Manager Search where criteria of Renewed Policies = Exclude. Clicking the tile header takes you to the Renewals Management Dashboard.
Tip: Policies need an ending in Applied Epic. If your agency workflow allows for policies to expire and drop off your book, this Dashboard will not be useful.
- Unrouted attachments: If your agency uses Unrouted Attachments, this view displays the number of items assigned to the user. Clicking the tile header takes you to the Overdue Activities and Unrouted Attachments Dashboard.
- Overdue activities by activity code: Open activities with a Follow up/Start date earlier than Today. This is comparable to the Open Activities Analysis Report. We recommend keeping the follow up dates current and the open activities list manageable. Clicking the tile header takes you to the Overdue Activities and Unrouted Attachments Dashboard.
- Open activities: All open activities regardless of follow up date, assigned to either the user or a Work Group that they are a member of. This is similar to the Open Activities Analysis Report and the activity list Homebase. (We recommend using the Homebase to manage all open activities and using it as a daily “to do” list.) Clicking the tile header takes you to the Overdue Activities and Unrouted Attachments Dashboard.

- Click the link at the bottom of the page to access the Data Quality Dashboard.
Data Quality Dashboard

The Data Quality Dashboard has the following tiles available:
- Active clients with no lines in effect: “In effect” is defined as a policy with an effective date range of Open – Today and an expiration date range of Tomorrow – Open. The New/Renew Service Summary Row must be Migrated, Issued, or Submitted. Review items on this tab for Missed Expirations, inactivated, or reverted to a Prospect for future quoting.
- Contacts with no phone number: Pulls from the client’s Contacts and returns all contacts missing a phone number.
- Contacts with blank email addresses: Pulls from the client’s Contacts and returns all contacts with missing email addresses.
- Clients with invalid phone numbers: “Invalid” means that the fields contain blank phone numbers or invalid area codes
- Clients with mismatched types of business assigned: Accounts with either no active policies or matches the active policies’ Type of Business (as defined in Configure > Policy Type > Type of Business) with the Account Detail screen’s Type of Business.

Renewals Management Dashboard

Access the Renewals Management Dashboard from the Expiring policies or Expired policies not renewed tiles on the Pulse Dashboard. Update the Period Selector criterion to expand your results. (Note: Don’t forget to refresh to update the Dashboard data!) It has the following tiles available:
- Expiring policies: All expiring policies within the selected period that have not been renewed or cancelled in Epic. Once the policy has been renewed in Epic, it drops off this tile. This Dashboard gives you a snapshot of what needs to be addressed. Use Renewals Manager to track renewals.
- Renewals with open activities: Open activities on upcoming expiring policies. This gives the user a chance to finish up any workflows for the expiring term.
- Expired policies not renewed: Number of missed renewals in the selected period. Note: This is different than the list on the Pulse Dashboard, which is fixed at 30 days.
- Renewed with missing transaction: Renewed policies in the selected period with no transactions. This tile includes both agency bill and direct bill policies. If your agency works on a cash basis for direct bill, these will not clear until the commission is received and recorded.
Overdue Activities and Unrouted Attachments Dashboard

Access the Overdue Activities and Unrouted Attachments Dashboard from the Overdue Activities by activity code or Open activities tile on the Pulse Dashboard. It has the following tiles available:
- Overdue activities: Number of open activities with a Follow up/Start date earlier than Today.
- Average days overdue: Average days that all open activities are overdue. Use this as a gauge to see how well you address and follow up on activities.
- Overdue activities by age: Bar graph of activities grouped by 1-3 days, 4-7 days, 8-15 days, and over 15 days overdue.
- Overdue activities by activity code: Bar graph of overdue activities where each bar is a different activity code. Use this to identify patterns, such as download activities still open instead of closed or possible workflow issues.
- Overdue activities: All overdue activities in spreadsheet form.
- Open activities: All open activities for the user.
- Unrouted attachments: Count of unrouted attachments assigned to the user in Procedures > Document Management > Unrouted Attachments. Clicking the number will show a list, but it is not navigable.
Tip: Set up an email alert to fire off when unrouted attachments exist, then access easily them from the Homebase.
Risk Map

You can only find the Risk Map through the Folders icon. It displays a map of all risks within policies where the user is listed on the Servicing tab. Data is pulled from ACORD forms and Custom forms. This is similar to the Risk Map in Applied Analytics.
- Risk map: An interactive Google map of risks within the user’s servicing book of business. Zoom in or out and click on the map pin to identify the client(s) and policies in that location.
- Risk details: A list of all policies in the user’s servicing book of business.
Department Manager Applied Epic Dashboards
With the role of Department Manager, you have access to agency-wide data in addition to policies you service. Using filters enables you to see data for all employees, select employees, or one individual.
Pulse Dashboard

Like the Account Manager Pulse Dashboard, the Department Manager Pulse Dashboard offers an overview of relevant information. Do note that in the criteria, you have the option to select Monetary Option, Premium or Commission, or Employee.
Tip: If you are managing only one Department, set that filter and save it as a default.
The Pulse Dashboard features the following tiles:
- Overdue activities: Number of open activities with a Follow up/Start date earlier than Today. While the Account Manager/Servicing Rep Dashboard only shows the user’s activities, this Dashboard shows all employees.
- Work performed: This is an improvement on a Daily Activity report in Epic, which only measures activities entered. This tile shows a total for all employees. Clicking the title opens the Work Performed Dashboard, which includes a breakdown for each. The Work performed tile takes the sum of:
- Activities entered
- Activities closed
- Tasks created
- Tasks closed
- Notes created
- Attachments created
- Book of business summary: Summary of the previous month’s book of business. It returns the number of Active Policies, Unique Clients, and Estimated/Annualized/Billed Premium/Commission, depending on the filters selected. A policy is considered active for this tile when it is Contracted, in force, and not Cancelled on the latest Service Summary Row. Clicking the tile’s title opens the Book of Business Dashboard.
- Retention summary: Calculates a retention percent for policies, clients, and Premium/Commission. This is in contrast with the Retention Report, which measures Retained/Not Retained based on policy status.
Tip: Retained is a policy that is in force on the last day and has at least one previous term. Not Retained is a policy that is not in force on the last day and no future term. The calculation is [Retained ÷ (Retained + Not Retained)] x 100.
- Expiring policies summary: Count of expiring policies that have not been cancelled or renewed in Epic. Clicking the title opens the Policy Expiration Dashboard.
- Click the link at the bottom of the page to take you to the Data Quality Dashboard.
Data Quality Dashboard

- Data confidence score by data source: Score based on the number of errors in activity and policy/line data. The graph displays a green bar for high quality data, yellow for medium quality data, and red for low quality data.
- List of data deficiencies: Deficiencies with the total number of invalid records. Clicking the number will display a chart of invalid records. Deficiencies include:
- Activities with invalid employee: Blanks and inactivated employees
- Lines with invalid servicing employee: Blanks and inactivated employees
- Policies with no billed premium/commission
- Policies with no estimated premium/commission
- Policies with lines In Process
Overdue Activities Dashboard

You can find the Overdue Activities Dashboard in the Overdue Activities tile on the Pulse Dashboard. This dashboard features the following tiles:
- Overdue activities: Number of open activities with a Follow up/Start date earlier than Today.
- Average days overdue: Average days that all open activities are overdue. Use this as a gauge to see how well you address and follow up on activities.
- Overdue activities by age: Bar graph of activities grouped by 1-3 days, 4-7 days, 8-15 days, and over 15 days overdue.
- Overdue activities by employee: Breakdown of activity age by employee.
- Overdue activities by activity code: Bar graph of overdue activities where each bar represents a different activity code.
Tip: Use this to identify any patterns, such as download activities not being closed or workflow issues.
- Overdue activities: All overdue activities in spreadsheet form.
Work Performed Dashboard

Access the Work Performed Dashboard from the Work performed tile on the Pulse Dashboard. As a unique filter, you have the option to Include System Generated Activities or not. It consists of the following tiles:
- Work efforts: Work efforts during a specified time, in line graph form.
- Activities created, Tasks created, Notes created, Activities closed, Tasks closed, and Attachments created: All break down individual types of work efforts.
- Total work efforts
- Work efforts by employee
Book of Business Dashboard

Access the Book of Business Dashboard through the Book of Business Summary tile on the Pulse Dashboard. It consists of the following tiles:
- Total commission/premium: Based on the filters selected at the top
- Active policies
- Active clients
- Total commission/premium by policy status: “Policy status” here is not the Status field at the Line level. It reads the Service Summary Row Action of New or Renewed.
- Active New = first SSR Action Line is New.
- Active Renew = first SSR Action Line is Renew, and the carrier is the same as the expiring term.
- Active Rewrite = first SSR Action Line is Renew, and the carrier is the same as the expiring term.
Tip: If your Rewrite workflow involves entering a New policy (by entering a new policy shell, copying an existing policy, or allowing the Download to enter the policy), then those Rewrites will actually be counted as New.
- Total commission/premium per employee
Retention Summary Dashboard

Find the Retention Summary Dashboard from the Retention tile on the Pulse Dashboard. Using the same definitions from the Pulse Dashboard, the Retention Summary Dashboard consists of the following tiles:
- Retention summary by Client, Commission/Premium, and Line: Shown as a percentage
- Client retention by employee
- Commission/Premium by employee
- Line retention by employee
Policy Expiration Dashboard

Access the Policy Expiration Dashboard via the Expiring policies summary tile on the Pulse Dashboard. It slices expiring policies that have not been renewed or cancelled in Epic. It consists of the following tiles:
- Expiring policies
- Clients with expiring policies
- Expiring policies commission/premium
- Expiring policies by type of business
- Expiring policies commission/premium by type of business
- Expiring policies by policy type
- Expiring policies commission/premium by policy type
- Expiring policies list
Risk Map

The Risk Map is only accessible through the Folders icon. It is like the Risk Map for Account Managers, but it displays a map of all risks for the entire agency.
- Risk map: An interactive Google map of risks within the agency’s book of business. Zoom in or out and click on the map pin to identify the client(s) and policies in that location.
- Risk details: A list of all in effect policies in the agency’s book of business.
Next Steps in Your Applied Epic Dashboards Journey
We hope you found this guide to the Account Manager/Servicing Rep and Department Manager Dashboards useful! Stay tuned for our next installment, where we discuss the Sales Manager and Producer Dashboards.
The Agency Consulting team of Kite Technology is here to help you unlock the full potential of Applied Epic Dashboards. If you have any questions about Applied Epic Dashboards (or any other Applied Epic questions), reach out to our team! From Applied Epic optimizations and workflow development, to accounting and bookkeeping services, our team has the depth and breadth of experience needed to help take your agency to the next level.

Jenny Honican
Agency Consultant
Kite Technology Group