The Top 5 Applied Epic Reports You Should Be Running

Applied Epic offers a wide variety of reports that agencies can use to unlock insights, trends, and patterns. These reports are designed to provide valuable data that can help managers make more informed decisions. By leveraging the power of key Applied Epic reports, agencies can gain a deeper understanding of their operations, identify areas for improvement, and develop strategies to enhance their services.
But as an insurance agency manager, how do you know which reports will yield the greatest most helpful information? Let’s discuss the top 5 reports to run and how they will benefit your agency.
Report 1: Book of Business Report – Billed/Est. Multi Layouts* - Current Active Policies
The Book of Business Report can have a couple different functions in your agency. The first being the Current Active Policies.
Set your criteria to include all currently active policies (Effective Date – Open through Today, Expiration Date – Tomorrow through Open). Also include all active policy statuses (New, Renewal, Rewrite, One Time Policy).
This report will allow you to have an awareness of the active policies your agency has, how large an Account Manager’s/Producer’s book is, or how many policies you currently have written with a certain ICO. There are details and summary reports that can be utilized based on ICO, PPE, Policy Type, Department, Branch, Producer, Account Manager, etc.
Report 2: Book of Business Report – Billed/Est. Multi Layouts* (aka “The Monster” BOB)
The second way you can use the BOB report is what we on Kite Technology’s Agency Consulting team jokingly refer to as “The Monster” because it will contain as much information as possible for your agency’s entire book of business. The main difference between the current active policies report that we just discussed and this Billed/Est. Multi Layouts* report is that this Book of Business report will show you all current AND future policies.
This report can be used to identify many different things. For instance, you can use this report to find policies with a quote status that is past its effective date. That way, you can identify policies that need “not issued” and/or status changes. Additionally, you can also check the data integrity of your current book of business to ensure statuses are of ‘active’ status, premiums are complete, Pr/Br is accurate, and so forth.
The parameters are going to vary depending on the information you are looking to capture. To see all current and future policies (including quotes and renewals), set your Effective Date to All and the Expiration Date to Tomorrow through Open. By updating the layout to include additional fields, this single report serves as your multi-purpose method for identifying an endless number of items.
We encourage using this report as part of your system maintenance. Some fields we suggest adding are:
- All Servicing Roles
- Line Commission %
- Pr/Br Commission %
- Agency Commission %
- SSR Action Description
- SRR Effective Date
- SSR Stage Description
Quick Tip:
You can expand the detail section within the report and line up the fields you want to pull into the report on the left side of the screen in the order you want them to pull. We suggest generating this report as an Excel Spreadsheet. Not only is it easier to view the information, but you’ll also have the ability to filter the data as needed.
Report 3: Activity Analysis by Who/Owner
To verify that agency workflows are being followed and to keep a pulse on what Account Managers are spending their time on, check out the Activity Analysis by Who/Owner Report. Running this report daily keeps the number of activities smaller and easier to digest. Set the Date Entered parameter to Yesterday to review activities added the previous day. This can all be filtered based on who entered the activity and who the Owner of the activity is.
Report 4: Production Ranking – Multi Layouts*
The Production Ranking – Multi Layouts* report does just what it says: It ranks production by Billed Prem, Agency Comm, or Average Agency Comm. Agencies can see which companies, accounts, and producers produce the most business. (Important note: Production is based on transactions, so if something has not yet been billed, it will not show in this report). Default layouts show ranking by First Producer, PPE, ICO, and Account.
Report 5: Lost Business/New Business
The Lost Business and New Business reports are very similar but with some small differences. Both will compile all policies with the selected statuses. However, if the statuses are not being updated correctly, your reports could be skewed.
The Lost Business report will show everything that expired within a certain time period that has a status of Cancelled or Non-Renewed but NOT CRW – Cancelled-Rewritten. The New Business report, on the other hand, will show everything that has an Effective Date within a certain time period and has a status of NEW. Policies rewritten to a new carrier should have a status of REW to exclude them from the New Business Report.
The main benefit of these reports is allowing all this information to be compiled into one place. You won’t need to ask Account Managers or Producers for a report of policies they have cancelled/written for the month. This is particularly useful and efficient for larger agencies with multiple locations.
Gain Powerful Agency Insights with Applied Epic Reports
As we always preach at Kite Tech: Bad data in equals bad data out. For all these reports provide meaningful data for your agency, your teams must enter the data in the way that Applied Epic intends.
To take a deep dive into the world of Applied Epic reports, watch Kite Technology’s free 3-Part webinar series, Mastering Applied Epic Reports. Whether you’re a seasoned user looking to optimize your reporting capabilities or are new to Applied Epic and eager to unlock insights from Epic’s reporting features, this webinar series is designed for you.
And, as always, if your agency would like Applied Epic Consulting to help with custom reports, optimizations, workflow development, or other consulting services, our team is here to help! Reach out to our team today to start the conversation!

Ashley McKinnis
Associate Agency Consultant
Kite Technology Group

Jenny Honican
Agency Consultant
Kite Technology Group

Ashley McKinnis
Associate Agency Consultant
Kite Technology Group

Jenny Honican
Agency Consultant
Kite Technology Group