email signature

Taking Your Email Signature to the Next Level

Your email signature is an integral part of business operations and branding. Having a high-quality design that includes important information can significantly improve how professional your communication comes across, so updating your email signature is well worth the investment! Here are some ways to improve your company’s email signature to drive more value. 


Keep Job Title & Other Contact Information Up-To-Date

Having an accurate job title on your company email signature is an excellent place to start. Have you been promoted, or has your job title changed recently? Making sure to update this information on your email signature builds confidence that your customers are talking to the right contact. Even with internal messages, integrating a job title into the standard email signature will ensure that larger organizations stay aware of current roles. 

In addition to updating job titles, I recommend you include current contact information as a part of your signature to take things up a notch. If you have a direct line or extension, consider adding it. If preferred, you can always use the main office number, but giving recipients multiple ways to reach you, provides options and makes you more accessible – strengthening relationships with your clients and colleague.

Add a Photo

Adding an updated picture to your email signature can really improve the visuals of each message and make messages feel more personal. Professional headshots branded consistently in the color palette, shape, and overall design set apart organizations and create consistency across team member communications. While some may be shy to have their face on messages when it has not been before, the human connection made by sharing a photo with others almost always outweighs this fear. In the world of remote work and video calling, providing a friendly smile and preview of who is behind the message goes a long way to building trust. 

Include Company Logo and Website

Your email signature should always include your company logo and a link to your website, as this information increases the legitimacy of your emails in your recipients’ eyes. You can accomplish both by just adding a hyperlink to your logo that takes people directly to your website. Alternatively, you can add the typed-out web address to your email signature block. 

Add Social Media Links

Social media is a vital part of any marketing effort, so linking social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and other industry-specific hubs in your email signature is another key step. When you include social links with each email, it makes it easy for your contacts to connect with you without having to go search for you or your brand. The additional connections made through social media links help build stronger relationships and ensure that time-sensitive updates from key platforms are delivered beyond the email communication layer. Email signatures that integrate color-coordinated social media logos can also contribute to each message’s aesthetic while making sure that your reply stands out as distinct from any competitors. 

Integrate Marketing Messages

Your company’s email signatures can also be utilized as a marketing tool as it is a great place to share valuable information with your colleagues and clients. Do you have a special offer or webinar coming up? Adding this information to your email signature is a great way to spread the word. Consider adding marketing content that drives a click towards a specific landing page. This is an excellent way to inform email recipients of news, events or services they may not have been aware of. Other ways you can use your email signature for marketing purposes are by sharing customer testimonials or asking your clients for referrals and reviews.

Manage Multiple Signatures and Maintain Consistency with an Email Signature Manager 

Last but not least, using an email signature manager solution is the most effective way to improve your email visuals across the board and save time creating consistent branding no matter the size of your organization! Without this tool, organizations often have to send the dreaded “Time to Update Email Signature” request to team members. Then they need to take the time to walk people through how to apply the changes to multiple devices they use, and oftentimes, there are struggles with numerous versions being used at any given time. Getting a centralized signature manager solution saves valuable time and effort and creates more consistency across your organization’s email signatures. 

Tools such as Exclaimer Email Signature Manager, which Kite Technology recommends to clients, allow all account messages to be delivered with the selected email signature attached. No matter what device they come from, be it phone, laptop, desktop, or anything in between. An Email Signature Manager works with your cloud-hosted email solution such as Microsoft 365 and applies your company branding on every message. This platform also enables real-time updates to employee information, limited-time promotions at the click of a button, and even department/team-specific templates & disclaimers based on the role you choose. As your team scales and continues to work in new ways, manual updates of an email account signature will be harder to deploy. Rolling out a solution like this to address this gap will continue to provide value and consistency in all future communications. 

Interested in Learning More?

If you are currently working with Kite Technology and looking to level up your company’s email signature with a solution like Exclaimer, please reach out to your Client Experience Manager. If you’re not yet working with KiteTech and would like to learn about the business technology solutions and IT services we offer, please contact us to schedule a conversation. We’d love the opportunity to learn more about your organization’s technology needs and share how we can help.

Picture of Ryan Emerick

Ryan Emerick

Client Experience Manager
Kite Technology Group

adam atwell

Adam Atwell

Cloud solutions architect

Adam is passionate about consulting with organizations across the country to help them develop and execute a cloud adoption strategy that meets their business needs and future objectives. Adam oversees and manages our company strategy for Microsoft 365 adoption and is responsible for future growth and development inside Microsoft 365 and other cloud technologies.